Using Active Directory

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DreamFactoryTutorialsUsing Active Directory
      1. Tutorial

To use Active Directory (AD) authentication over LDAP in a DreamFactory Instance, you need to provision an AD service first. You can provision an AD service from the 'Services' tab in Admin Console. Click on the 'Create' button on the services tab to create a new service. Select 'adLdap Integration' from the 'Service Type' drop down menu. For the name field use a short, meaningful, one word name for your service. This will be used as your AD service identifier. Fill out rest of the information on this form and then go to 'Config' tab.

Tutorial using ad 1.png

On the config form you will need to provide all the details of your AD server and select a default role for your AD service. This role will be assigned (for all applications in the system) to all users signing in using this AD service.

Tutorial using ad 2.png

      1. API Endpoint
POST https://your-url/api/v2/user/session?service={ad_service_name}
    "username" : "user_name",
    "password" : "password"

-- OR --

POST https://your-url/api/v2/user/session
    "username" : "user_name",
    "password" : "password",
    "service"  : "ad_service_name"
      1. Example - Sign-in using Active Directory Authentication
  • Service name: demo
  • Request URL:
    POST https://your-url/api/v2/user/session?service=demo
   "username" : "user_name",
   "password" : "password"
  • Response:
    "session_token": “abc.123abc.efg,
    "session_id": “abc.123abc.efg,
    "id": 1,
    "name": "John",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "is_sys_admin": false,
    "last_login_date": "2015-06-30 16:46:59",
    "host": "your-url"