Sending Push Notifications
DreamFactory has built-in support for sending push notifications via Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). You can access other types of push notification services as remote web services.
Create a Push Service
The first step is to create a push notification service on your DreamFactory instance.
In the admin console go to the Services tab and click Create. Set the Service Type to 'AWS SNS'. Set the service name to 'sns'. Set the service label to 'Amazon SNS'. Go to the config tab for the new service and enter the access key, secret key, and region for your AWS account. Click Create Service to save your new service.
Retrieve a List of Topics
You can now use any REST client to access your service using the DreamFactory REST API. For example, the following request would retrieve a list of available topics.
GET http://dreamfactory:8888/api/v2/sns/topic
And the response would be an array of topics.
{ "resource": [ { "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:642246745556:another_topic" }, { "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:642246745556:test_topic" } ] }
Publish to a Topic
To publish to the topic 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:642246745556:test_topic' you do an HTTP POST to the push service. The payload contains the content in JSON format.
POST http://dreamfactory:8888/api/v2/sns/topic/arn%3Aaws%3Asns%3Aus-east-1%3A642246745556%3Atest_topic { "Message": "Test Message", "Subject": "Test Subject" }
The response will contain the message id for the notification.
{ "MessageId": "38d76df1-3a2e-5952-bc92-2358fa632ff2" }
For a detailed list of all available endpoints, see the API Docs in the admin console. Selecting the push service in the API Docs will show you all the available options and also let you try out each call.