If you experience issues with some of the services, like SQL database connection or server-side scripting, please make sure you have all of the necessary drivers [installed](Installation) with your DreamFactory instance. Depending on the way your instance was installed and the hosting platform, some [additional libraries, drivers, or packages](Installation/Additional-Drivers) may be required for certain services to work properly. Some services, like [Microsoft SQL Server](SQL-Database-Services#sqlsrv), have licensing that prevents the drivers from being included or enabled by default. If you are unable to install or enable the necessary drivers, please [contact support for assistance](Support).
> **Note**: When the "install directory" is mentioned, it is the DreamFactory code base install that is being referred to. In a Bitnami install, the DreamFactory code base starts at `<bitnami install path>/apps/dreamfactory/htdocs/`.
- Logs
Most logging done by the DreamFactory instance will be located in a file called dreamfactory.log.
> {install directory}/storage/logs/dreamfactory.log
Other errors may be reported by the web server (i.e. Apache writes to error.log, location based on its configuration), or system log.
- Logging configuration
By default, logging is turned off. To enable it, change `APP_DEBUG` to true in your `.env` file located in your install directory. Here are some additional logging environment settings that you may edit in `.env`
Parameter | Default value | Notes --- | --- | --- `APP_DEBUG` | false | Enables/disables logging `APP_LOG` | single | Controls the format of the log file, options are 'single', 'daily', 'syslog', or 'errorlog' `DF_FREETDS_DUMP` | | Enabling and location of FreeTDS dump file, defaults to disabled or default freetds.conf setting `DF_FREETDS_DUMPCONFIG` | | Location of FreeTDS connection dump file, defaults to disabled
Here are some additional logging configuration settings that you may edit in `config/df.php`
Parameter | Default value | Notes --- | --- | --- `log_cors_info` | false | Enables/disables detailed CORS logging `log_events` | true | Determines if all events dispatched to a handler are logged `scripting.log_memory_usage` | false | Enables/disables logging memory usage after a script is executed
- Apache
Finally, when configuring your Apache virtual host, you may configure the Apache logs for your DreamFactory instance to be co-located with your DreamFactory logs. These logs are useful for debugging and troubleshooting both PHP and Apache behavior. For example, in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/dreamfactory.conf
ErrorLog {install directory}/storage/logs/error.log CustomLog {install directory}/storage/logs/access.log combined
- Cache
When all else fails, clear the cache. Cache can be cleared via the Admin application by clicking the Config tab, then Cache menu option, and click 'Flush System-wide Cache'. This can also be accomplished with the following command in the install directory... > php artisan cache:clear