Oracle DB Installation

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DreamFactoryInstallationDatabasesOracle DB Installation


Bitnami Windows Install

Note: These instructions are applicable for DreamFactory 2.1.0-4 and older. Starting in DreamFactory 2.1.1 you will need to use Oracle Instant Client 12

  • Download the Oracle Instant Client here
    • You will need to download the appropriate version for your version of Oracle (i.e Instant Client 11 goes with Oracle 11g server.)
    • Since the Windows Bitnami stack is only 32-bit you need to download the 32-bit instant client
    • You will also need an Oracle login for this (free registration.)
  • Extract the zip file to your preferred location, such as C:\instantclient_11_2
  • Edit the php.ini file (C:\Bitnami\dreamfactory-x.x.x-x\php\php.ini)
    • Uncomment (remove the semicolon) from the line that says
    • For Oracle Instant Client 12, the line will be denoted with a comment indicating it requires uncommenting
      ;extension=php_oci8_12c.dll  ; Use with Oracle Database 12c Instant Client
  • Edit your PATH variable.
    • Go to Control Panel->System->Advanced System Settings
    • Click on Environment Variables
    • Under System variables, double click on Path.
    • At the end of the Variable value, add the path to the instant client directory (see above.) Use a semicolon to separate this new entry from the current last entry.
  • Restart the system


Bitnami Linux Install

Note: These instructions are applicable for DreamFactory 2.1.0-4 and older. Starting in DreamFactory 2.1.1 you will need to use Oracle Instant Client 12

  • Download the Oracle Instant Client here
    • You will need to download the appropriate version for your version of Oracle (i.e Instant Client 11 goes with Oracle 11g server.)
    • You will also need an Oracle login for this (free registration.)
  • Extract the zip file to your preferred location, such as ~/instantclient_11_2
  • Edit the php.ini file (~/dreamfactory-x.x.x-x/php/php.ini)
    • Uncomment (remove the semicolon) from the line that says
  • Edit the file ( ~/dreamfactory-2.0.2-0/scripts/ )
    • Add the following to the end of the file, just before the line that says . /home/user/dreamfactory-2.0.2-0/scripts/

Manual Install from Github on Linux

These instructions are Ubuntu/Debian based
Note: If you are use a newer version of the Instant Client you will want to modify these instructions accordingly (for example instant_client_12_1)

  • Download the Oracle Instant Client here
    • Get both the basic client and the sdk (two files)
    • You will need to download the appropriate version for your version of Oracle (i.e Instant Client 11 goes with Oracle 11g server.)
    • You will also need an Oracle login for this (free registration.)
  • Extract the instant client basic zip file to your preferred location, such as /opt/instantclient_11_2
  • Extract the sdk zip to the same location. There should be a sdk folder inside the main instantclient_11_2 folder
  • Make a symlink from to
    • $ sudo ln -s /opt/instantclient_11_2/ /opt/instantclient_11_2/
  • Ensure that you have the php-pear and php5-dev packages installed on your system
    • $ sudo apt-get install php-pear php5-dev
  • Use PECL to install the oci8 so file.
    • If using php 5.5 or 5.6:
    • $ sudo pecl install oci8-2.0.11
    • if using php 7:
    • $ sudo pecl install oci8
    • You will be asked for the type of install and location of library. Use instantclient and the location where you extracted the files above. ex: "instantclient,/opt/instantclient_11_2"
    • If the the install generates any errors it will fail you. You will need to troubleshoot based on the error reported.
  • Create a module file for your oci8 installation.
    • $ sudo touch /etc/php5/mods-available/oci8.ini
  • Edit the file you just created in your preferred text editor.
    • There is a single line in the file it looks like this:
  • Enable the php extension
    • $ sudo php5enmod oci8
  • Restart your web service service
    • $ sudo service apache2 restart
    • $ sudo service php5-fpm restart && sudo service nginx restart