Release Notes

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DreamFactoryRelease Notes

Version 2.2.1 (Released July 11, 2016)

  • SQL Database Stored Procedure and Function access and usage enhancements. HTTP GET using the "ids" parameter returns details about procedure and function requirements. Now call procedures and functions with just the required parameters. Also added the ability to pass procedure and function parameters as URL parameters, inline, or via a "params" array in the payload.
  • Added Active Directory support for group hierarchy when mapping to DreamFactory roles.
  • Added event modification configuration setting to pre- and post-process scripts, replacing usage of "content-changed" flag in the script itself.
  • Added data import support for packages, initial support for database record importing.
  • Added event matching from Swagger documentation paths to support event firing on exact and matching paths for HTTP Services.
  • Added event support for individual SOAP methods defined in the given WSDL.
  • Fixed Swagger model generation for SOAP service, now supports WSDL enumerations in types.
  • Fixed file streaming using file service over CORS connections.
  • Fixed role exporting.
  • Fixed table export issue in packaging feature.
  • Fixed encoding of resources forwarded on in HTTP Services.
  • Caching fixes and speed improvements.
  • Enhanced error message for some APIs, particularly in authentication and authorization areas.
  • Admin application UI tooltip enhancements.
  • Cleanup of API Docs.
  • General cleanup of usage of utility functions.
  • Testcases reworked for more dynamic services.

Version 2.2.0 (Released May 31, 2016)

The following services are now under a commercial license and have been removed from the default installation: AD/LDAP, SOAP, Salesforce, MS SQL Server, SAP SQL Anywhere, Oracle, and IBM DB2. Please contact [email protected] for further information.

  • Redesigned services, script engines, and system resources management to be more flexible and dynamic. Now using ServiceProviders for all service type on-boarding.
  • New service type migration command for pre-2.2 database upgrade (php artisan dreamfactory:service-type-migrate), run after migration and seeding.
  • SQL DB driver types now available as their own service types, "sql_db" type retired.
  • Script languages now available as their own service types, "script" type retired.
  • Converts old services types to new format during import in packaging.
  • API Doc now supports OpenAPI (fka Swagger) YAML format, as well as JSON.
  • Service Definition system now adds service name to all defined paths and tags automatically
  • Support for service definition (Swagger doc) on service import/export in packaging.
  • Added platform.api support for Node.js and Python scripting
  • Python scripting improvements, like allow empty script, correcting script output
  • Node.js scripting improvement, like allow returning output from async callback functions
  • Including predis/predis package by default for using Redis for caching
  • Including df-azure using microsoftazure/storage by default, used sdk that required pear in prior releases
  • Auto login enabled after creating first admin and other speed improvements
  • Now using guzzle 6
  • Added laravel/homestead support for php5.6 and php7 for dev installs

Version 2.1.2 (Released April 26, 2016)

  • Redesigned Packaging feature, including new system/package API and artisan commands for import and export.
  • Data Mesh feature now supports SQL to MongoDB virtual relationships.
  • Added Redis and Memcached config options to dreamfactory:setup command
  • Added Memcached config values in environment
  • Updated dreamfactory:import-pkg command to use new package
  • Updating initial setup to import any packages available
  • Handling file stream output using StreamedResponse
  • Added artisan dreamfactory:config-hhvm command to create hhvm config file
  • Basic support for www-form-urlencoded payload in API requests
  • Cleanup service providers
  • Add rewrite rule to allow basic auth on AWS cloud and VM.

Version 2.1.1 (Released March 15, 2016)

  • Upgraded Laravel framework to 5.2
  • Enhanced setup command
  • Now allowing login with JWT passed as URL parameter
  • Added log level support, see DF_LOG_LEVEL in .env-dist for options
  • Enhanced logging includes REQUEST and RESPONSE under log level INFO.
  • New and improved File Manager application is now loaded from a composer-controlled repo
  • API Docs (aka Swagger UI) updated for spec validation.
  • Added extra server side and client side information on the config tab of admin app.
  • Angular 2 and ReactJS sample apps added to listing in admin app.
  • Updated Node.js scripting to support callbacks in scripts and log all console.log output to DreamFactory's log.
  • Support non-DreamFactory (<dfapi>) XML wrapper on incoming data.
  • Support for simplified DB filter operators "contains", "starts with" and "ends with"
  • Lookups now supported in scripts. Lookup notations (i.e. {lookup_name}) get replaced before script is run.
  • Lookups now supported in parameters for SQL DB stored procedures.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented private lookup keys to be used in service credentials.
  • Better support for spaces in database column names.
  • API Docs for file services path root operations, adding back POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE.
  • Fixed support for SQLite as server database.
  • Support for SQL Server legacy image type.
  • Fixed a cache reset issue on user-app-role assignment.
  • Updated AWS SDK version and support to latest 3.* release.

Version 2.1.0 (Released January 29, 2016, Retagged February 9, 2016 due to dependency issues)

Note: This release includes some breaking changes, not in the API itself, but with Live API Documentation (i.e. Swagger)!

  • Upgraded usage of OpenAPI Specification (fka Swagger) to 2.0 from 1.2. Prior service configuration (i.e. for remote web services) or client dependencies (old swagger-based SDKs) on the previously used 1.2 specification are not compatible and must be changed to comply with the 2.0 specification.
  • Swagger UI (supporting 2.0 spec) now included as an application and referenced in Admin application.
  • API Doc (i.e. Swagger UI) view is now Role-based, meaning that the view is based on the allowed services for that Role.
  • Event Scripting post-process scripts, and custom scripting services (V8Js, NodeJs, and PHP) now can utilize a "event.response" object that allows for custom status code and content type settings directly from script. Using the old-style "return" statements to return data still works and defaults to status code 200 as before.
  • Event Scripting now supported for File Services and Remote Web Services.
  • XML to JSON content conversion now handles namespaces (i.e. singular namespaces are used to pull data into JSON format).
  • Fixed bugs with configuration of Email services.
  • Fixed bugs for manipulating request content and parameters in pre-process scripts.
  • Fixed handling for database "read-only" fields like SQL Server rowversion.
  • SQL Server now supported as an option for the system database.

Version 2.0.3 (Released December 22, 2015)

  • Updating composer to allow PHP >= 5.5, i.e. PHP 7.0 tested and working!
  • Laravel Homestead configuration setup now part of install for quick testing.
  • Added ability to update related records on virtual foreign relationships for same or different SQL DB
  • Added alias editing via Admin console for Schema relationships
  • Fixed PostgreSQL, SQL Anywhere and Oracle databases issues with table names
  • Fixed API DB max records return limit usage
  • Fixed several DB filtering issues
  • Remove loading of lodash by default on V8js scripting, use require() instead if desired
  • Fix stored procedure on MySQL issue when no data sets returned
  • Fixing CORS config entries when using SQLite as system database
  • Added 'computer' resource for AD/LDAP services
  • Added LinkedIn OAuth 2.0 support

Version 2.0.2 (Released November 30, 2015)

  • Added ability to create virtual foreign keys across two tables on same or different SQL DB
  • Added aliases for virtual fields and relationships
  • Added ability to create virtual fields for db-supported functions, e.g., concat(field1, field2)
  • Added ability to create virtual fields for aggregation by field name
  • Added support for assigning AD users to DreamFactory roles based on AD group assignments

For details please see the relevant change logs on GitHub.

dreamfactory/dreamfactory dreamfactory/df-core dreamfactory/df-sqldb