From DreamFactory
Cassandra is one of the popular NoSQL databases that comes with DreamFactory OpenSource. The Cassandra service type can connect to local or remote Cassandra servers.
Common Feature Exceptions
- Unlike some other NoSQL databases, Cassandra has defined schema for tables. Therefore, the _schema resource works like a SQL DB service.
- Cassandra supports filtering in CQL. Therefore, DreamFactory also supports that using the filter parameter like a SQL DB service.
- PHP extension cassandra and C/C++ driver from DataStax is required to be installed or compiled in. Check [[1]] for installation help.
- Host - String. Required. IP Address/Hostname of your Cassandra node. Note that you don’t have to specify the addresses of all hosts in your cluster. Once the driver has established a connection to any host, it will perform auto-discovery and connect to all hosts in the cluster.
- Port - Integer. Optional. Cassandra server port number. Defaults to 9042.
- Username - String. Optional. If your Cassandra server requires authentication. Then provide Username here.
- Password - String. Optional. If your Cassandra server requires authentication. Then provide Password here.
- Options - Object/Associative array. Optional. An array of options for the Cassandra connection. Available options are - ssl : boolean, server_cert_path : string, client_cert_path : string, private_Key_path : string, key_pass_phrase : string