Sending Push Notifications Using APNS
DreamFactory 2.5 includes support for Apple Push Notification Service (APNS). It is implemented as a native service of DreamFactory. Once you create an APN service in DreamFactory, you can use it as a proper push notification provider for your application.
DreamFactory APN service supports sending push notification to a single device using its device token. The service can also act as a push notification provider for you application by supporting device registration by your application. Here is an overview of how DreamFactory works as push notification service provider.
- In DreamFactory you create an application for your iOS app. This application basically represents your iOS app in DreamFactory.
- When you create an application in DreamFactory you will get an API Key.
- Store this API Key in your iOS app.
- On our iOS app, when your user confirms to receive push notification for the app, you make a request to DreamFactory
APN service's register endpoint providing the API Key and the user's device token.
- DreamFactory stores the device token under your API Key.
- When it's time to send push notification. You make a request to the DreamFactory APN service's push endpoint providing
your notification message and the API Key.
- DreamFactory will send the message to all of your registered devices under that API Key.
Creating a DreamFactory APN Service
You can create an APN service from the admin console. Log in to the admin console and select the 'Services' tab. Click on the 'Create' button from the left menu. From the Service Type drop down menu select Notification -> Apple Push Notification. Enter all the service configuration information and save the form to create your service. For more details check [DreamFactory/Features/Push_Notification_Services].
API Endpoints
Send push notification to all devices registered for your application
POST https://{url}/api/v2/{apn-service-name}/push?api_key={your-application-api-key}
Request body:
{ "message": "string", "badge": 0, "sound": "string", "action-loc-key": "string", "loc-key": "string", "loc-args": [ "string" ], "custom": [ {} ] }
Note: Only message is required in the body. You can also provide the API Key using the request header X-DreamFactory-Api-Key instead of the api_key
query parameter.
Send push notification to a single device
POST https://{url}/api/v2/{apn-service-name}/push
Request body:
{ "message": "string", "badge": 0, "sound": "string", "action-loc-key": "string", "loc-key": "string", "loc-args": [ "string" ], "custom": [ {} ], "device_token": "string" }
Note: Only message and device_token is required in the body.
Register device tokens
POST https://{url}/api/v2/{apn-service-name}/register?api_key={your-application-api-key}
Request body:
{ "device_token": "string" }
Note: You can also provide the API Key using the request header X-DreamFactory-Api-Key instead of the api_key
query parameter.
Replace existing device token
PUT https://{url}/api/v2/{apn-service-name}/register?api_key={your-application-api-key}
Request body:
{ "old_token": "string", "new_token": "string" }
Note: You can also provide the API Key using the request header X-DreamFactory-Api-Key instead of the api_key
query parameter.
Delete all device tokens
DELETE https://{url}/api/v2/{apn-service-name}/register?api_key={your-application-api-key}
Note: You can also provide the API Key using the request header X-DreamFactory-Api-Key instead of the api_key
query parameter.
Warning: This will delete all device tokens that are registered under your application.
List all registered device tokens
GET https://{url}/api/v2/{apn-service-name}/register?api_key={your-application-api-key}
Note: You can also provide the API Key using the request header X-DreamFactory-Api-Key instead of the api_key
query parameter.