Connecting To NoSQL

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DreamFactoryTutorialsConnecting To NoSQL



Bitnami installs come with MongoDB already installed and configured as a DreamFactory service. This includes a MongoDB server plus the PHP driver ( to connect to it. You can connect to this pre-configured service without any additional set up.


If you are not using Bitnami, you need to make sure the PHP driver for MongoDB ( is installed on your system. Otherwise the admin console will report an error when you try to create the service. Below are the steps to install the MongoDB driver for PHP on Ubuntu Linux. Set up for other Linux distros would be similar. After these steps you'll be able to create your new MongoDB service. For OS X or Windows, we recommend using the Bitnami installer, which already includes the MongoDB driver.

sudo apt-get install build-essential php-dev php-pear
sudo pecl install mongodb  
sudo vi /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/mongodb.ini  (add the line   to the file)
sudo phpenmod mongodb
sudo service apache2 restart

Creating a New MongoDB Service

If you want to connect to a MongoDB server other than the one provided by Bitnami installs, you must add a new MongoDB service using the following steps.

  • Go to the Services tab in the admin console.
  • Click Create.
  • Set the Service Type to Database-->MongoDB.
  • Enter a name and label for the service. Name will be part of the URL for accessing the service via the REST API.
  • Go to the Config tab for the new service.
  • Enter the connection string for the MongoDB server you want to connect to.
  • Credentials can be part of the connection string or included in the Options section. See here for available options.
  • Click Create Service to save your new service.
  • Go to the API Docs tab in the admin console to test your new service.

AWS DynamoDB

To create a service for connecting to Amazon DynamoDB, follow these steps.

  • Go to the Services tab in the admin console.
  • Click Create.
  • Set the Service Type to Database-->AWS DynamoDB.
  • Enter a name and label for the service. Name will be part of the URL for accessing the service via the REST API.
  • Go to the Config tab for the new service.
  • Enter your AWS access key, secret key, and region.
  • Click Create Service to save your new service.
  • Go to the API Docs tab in the admin console to test your new service.


To create a service for connecting to CouchDB, follow these steps.

  • Go to the Services tab in the admin console.
  • Click Create.
  • Set the Service Type to Database-->CouchDB.
  • Enter a name and label for the service. Name will be part of the URL for accessing the service via the REST API.
  • Go to the Config tab for the new service.
  • Enter the connection string for your database, like http://username:password@localhost:5984/db.
  • Click Create Service to save your new service.
  • Go to the API Docs tab in the admin console to test your new service.

Azure Tables

To create a service for connecting to Azure Tables, follow these steps.

  • Go to the Services tab in the admin console.
  • Click Create.
  • Set the Service Type to Database-->Azure Table Storage.
  • Enter a name and label for the service. Name will be part of the URL for accessing the service via the REST API.
  • Go to the Config tab for the new service.
  • Enter all requested info pertaining to your storage account.
  • Click Create Service to save your new service.
  • Go to the API Docs tab in the admin console to test your new service.


To create a service for connecting to Cassandra, follow these steps.

  • Go to the Services tab in the admin console.
  • Click Create.
  • Set the Service Type to Database-->Cassandra.
  • Enter a name and label for the service. Name will be part of the URL for accessing the service via the REST API.
  • Go to the Config tab for the new service.
  • Enter all requested info pertaining to your storage account, including host, port (defaults to 9042), and keyspace.
  • Click Create Service to save your new service.
  • Go to the API Docs tab in the admin console to test your new service.