Node field validation
From DreamFactory
This script validates that certain fields are in the POST request when creating records. If not, an exception is thrown and 500 error returned to the client. If the script exits normally with no exception being thrown, then the records will be written to the database and the post-process script, if any, will be run. lodash.min.js is available by default. The file is located in storage/scripting directory of the DreamFactory installation. You can add your own scripts there and use require() to include them.
// To enable Node.js scripting, set the path to node in your DreamFactory .env file. // This setting is commented out by default. // // DF_NODEJS_PATH=/usr/local/bin/node // // Use npm to install any dependencies. This script requires 'lodash.' // Your scripts can call console.log to dump info to the log file in storage/logs. // POST /api/v2/db/_table/account triggers script // This script runs BEFORE records are written to the db. // records are in array event.request.payload.resource. var lodash = require("lodash"); if (event.request.payload.resource) { lodash._.each(event.request.payload.resource, function( record ) { if (!record.hasOwnProperty("annual_revenue")) { throw new Error('missing field annual_revenue'); } if (record.annual_revenue <= 0) { throw new Error ('annual_revenue must be > 0'); } }); }