V8 push notification
From DreamFactory
This script uses a pre-configured push notification service to send notifications when new records are created. lodash.min.js is available by default. The file is located in storage/scripting directory of the DreamFactory installation. You can add your own scripts there and use require() to include them.
// POST /api/v2/db/_table/todo triggers script db._table.todo.post.post_process // This script runs AFTER records are written to the db. // records are in array event.request.payload.resource. var lodash = require("lodash.min.js"); if (event.request.payload.resource) { lodash._.each(event.request.payload.resource, function( record ) { var msg = { "Message": { "default": "A new Todo named '" + record.name + "' was just created!" }, "Subject": "New Todo Created" } // service name is 'push', push to SNS topic by name var result = platform.api.post("push/topic/642246745556:test_topic", msg); // output result to storage/logs/dreamfactory.log var_dump(result); }); }